RATS is a non-profit, open-access journal with the stated mission of advancing education and training in the fields science, medicine, veterinary medicine, technology, and care of laboratory animals.

RATS is committed to advancing all facets of education and training in laboratory animal research with the goal of enhancing both animal welfare and scientific excellence.

The 3Rs—Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement—are given priority.


Journal Title: RATS

Abbreviation: Rats

ISSN: 2980-3063 (online)

Official/Publication Language: English

First Issue: 2023

Publication Frequency: Two issues per year (June  / December)

Review Process: Double-blind peer review

Access Availability: Full open access

Publication Fees/Charges: No submission and publication fees or page charges

GREEN FOODS is a non-profit, open-access journal with the mission of advancing the research on the novel and emerging technologies and processes in food and crops fields. GREEN FOODS aims to collect the last knowledge about the production of health foods using non-hazardous methods.

Journal Title: GREEN FOODS

Abbreviation: GREEN FOODS

ISSN: XXXX-XXXX (online)

Official/Publication Language: English

First Issue: 2023

Publication Frequency: Two issues per year (June  / December)

Review Process: Double-blind peer review

Access Availability: Full open access

Publication Fees/Charges: No submission and publication fees or page charges

Journal of Veterinary Reproduction

Journal of Veterinary Reproduction focuses on all aspects of animal reproduction. Journal of Veterinary Reproduction is a non-profit, open-access journal with the stated mission of advancing education and training in the fields science, veterinary medicine.

Journal of Veterinary Reproduction is committed to advancing all facets of education and training in animal reproduction research with the goal of enhancing both animal welfare and scientific excellence.

The 3Rs—Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement—are given priority

Journal Title: Journal of Veterinary Reproduction

Abbreviation: J Vet Reprod

ISSN: XXXX-XXXX (online)

Official/Publication Language: English

First Issue: 2023

Publication Frequency: Two issues per year (June  / December)

Review Process: Double-blind peer review

Access Availability: Full open access

Publication Fees/Charges: No submission and publication fees or page charges

Litteratus Mentes is a scholarly, peer-reviewed journal dedicated to advancing literary studies and promoting critical discourse in the field. It welcomes research articles, reviews, and essays that explore various aspects of literature, language, and their interconnections with culture, history, and society in the digitalising world. The journal aims to provide a platform for academics, researchers, and scholars to exchange ideas, theories, and findings related to literature from diverse genres, periods, and geographical regions.


Journal Title: Litteratus Mentes

Abbreviation: Litteratus Mentes

ISSN: XXXX-XXXX (online)

Official/Publication Language: English

First Issue: 2023

Publication Frequency: Two issues per year (June  / December)

Review Process: Double-blind peer review

Access Availability: Full open access

Publication Fees/Charges: No submission and publication fees or page charges

















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